Are you using a period tracking app? You need to know this!

If you're using a period tracking app, you're likely going unprotected (YIKES) or missing the best days for getting pregnant! Ovulation is what determines when you can get pregnant - not your period!

  • If you're not ovulating, you can't get pregnant... no egg = no baby!
  • Even if your cycle is the same number of days, you ovulate at different times (or not at all)
  • Apps that predict your ovulation are GUESSING using averages, not using real science!!


It's ok - I didn't know either! Thankfully, there's an answer. FAM is the only method that confirms ovulation in real-time, allowing you to avoid pregnancy or get pregnant faster. My course combines the wonderful world of FAM with modern data reports to make your feel confident and in control.

If you are...

  • Relying on a period app to predict ovulation (Sigh, like I was)

  • Tired of the side effects of your current birth control method

  • Struggling to get pregnant, but don't know where to begin

  • In need of flexibility in scheduling for self-paced, on-the-go learning

  • Interested in a data-driven, evidence-based approach

... FAM can help!

Fertility Awareness is all about determining the fertile phases of the menstrual cycle. FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) can be used to avoid pregnancy or successfully conceive by tracking your cycle. Learning about your biomarkers through FAM can also give you personalized insights into your health, regardless of your fertility goals.

The Only Method That...

...offers 99%+ effective natural birth control, is proven to help women reach pregnancy faster (even those with subfertility), has zero added costs, and no synthetic hormones or side effects! Determine your fertile window in less than 5 minutes each day with FAM.

View My Course

The only course that combines Fertility Awareness with Data Analysis.

Meet Your Instructor

I'm Sarah, The Data Driven Fertility Doula, a certified Holistic Doula and your Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) teacher . I have a background in sociology, data analysis, health informatics and woman-centered service. I have a data-driven approach, while maintaining commitment to natural and empowering solutions for women. I run an integrated fertility service called “Sarai Fertility”, which was born from a desire to allow women self-governance, education, autonomy, and the ability to take their fertility and health in their own hands.
fertility + holistic doula | sarai fertility

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“say what you want...”


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does the course take?

    There is no time limit! You can take the course at your own pace and book your 3 monthly sessions at any time. You can read through all the materials at once, go one week at a time - its up to you. All of the materials in the course are download-able for you to keep, print and utilize whenever you need them.

  • How do I make my partner comfortable with natural birth control?

    The materials in this course are accessible for your partner as well - the course includes download files of all content. The guided chart review sessions can also include your partner so I can answer any of the questions they may have too.

  • Is practicing FAM a lot of time commitment?

    Learning FAM is like forming any new habit. When people start the pill, for example, they sometimes forget to take it each day. However, once they get in the swing of things, it becomes second nature. Your first few cycles are so important, for establishing a routine and sticking with it! That is why I commit to be accessible for the entire duration of your first three cycles. Once you've learned what you need to know, it only takes a few minutes each day to maintain your chart.

  • I don't have regular cycles. Will this work for me?

    Yes! One of the many benefits of FAM is that it doesn't assume your body to be the same as anyone else's. It doesn't rely on predictions or your last cycle, so your past cycles don't impact your ability to use the method.

Conceive faster, avoid pregnancy naturally, balance your hormones, and have support along the way.

It's not just about avoiding pregnancy! Working with a Fertility Doula improves women's birth outcomes and rates of conception - even for those going through IVF! I offer free consultations to discuss your fertility goals and how we can reach them together.