Are you using a period tracking app? You need to know this!

If you're using a period tracking app, you're likely going unprotected (YIKES) or missing the best days for getting pregnant! Ovulation is what determines when you can get pregnant - not your period!

  • If you're not ovulating, you can't get pregnant... no egg = no baby!
  • Even if your cycle is the same number of days, you ovulate at different times (or not at all)
  • Apps that predict your ovulation are GUESSING using averages, not using real science!!


It's ok - I didn't know either! Thankfully, there's an answer. FAM is the only method that confirms ovulation in real-time, allowing you to avoid pregnancy or get pregnant faster. My course combines the wonderful world of FAM with modern data reports to make your feel confident and in control.

If you are...

  • Relying on a period app to predict ovulation (Sigh, like I was)

  • Tired of the side effects of your current birth control method

  • Struggling to get pregnant, but don't know where to begin

  • In need of flexibility in scheduling for self-paced, on-the-go learning

  • Interested in a data-driven, evidence-based approach

FAM may be what you've been looking for!

Get pregnant, get healthy, and avoid pregnancy - naturally. Sign up free:

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How Does It Work?

Take the guesswork out of tracking your cycle - and do it the accurate way!

  • Hormone levels can be tracked using biomarkers

  • Data is recorded and charted to determine your fertile window

  • Intimacy timed to conceive, or avoid pregnancy on fertile days

  • Reports are generated from your data to identify health insights

Okay, so what exactly is "FAM"?

Fertility Awareness is all about determining the fertile phases of the menstrual cycle. FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) can be used to avoid pregnancy or successfully conceive by tracking your cycle. Learning about your biomarkers through FAM can also give you personalized insights into your health, regardless of your fertility goals.

The only FAM course that combines fertility awareness with data analysis.

  • More Than Just Charting

    Do More With Your Data

    At the end of this course, I'll provide you with meaningful insights using the data you've collected in your own charts. With your new knowledge and some data analysis, you will have an excellent launching pad to achieving your fertility goals and understanding your own body.

  • Three Months (Cycles) of Support

    Coaching During the Entire Learning Period

    All FAM methods require three months of charted cycles before going unprotected. However, most FAM courses offer only up to 8 weeks of instruction and coaching. My course covers the entire introductory period, so you can have confidence in your learning period.

  • Beyond Birth Control

    Knowledge for All Women Regardless of Fertility Goals

    As a fertility doula, I have experience supporting women at every stage of their reproductive lives, with a wealth of knowledge from a broad spectrum covering both traditional and modern practices. Your goals to get pregnant, have effective birth control method, or learn more about your health are covered in this course.

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